How to Write a Nursing Dissertation Outline 

Dissertation writing presents one of the most taxing and time exhausting assignments for graduating student nurses. Although a mandatory requirement for graduation for masters nursing students. Students embarking on their dissertation writing must have a clear structure of the dissertation.

Hence a dissertation outline is a vital element that aid in identifying the structure and research goals. It helps the student to stay on track on the chosen topic and avoid wasting time with other ideas.

The outline should be a map specifying the tasks to be accomplished to attain the academic objectives.  It determines the concepts and ideas that are mandatory in the dissertation.

Before embarking on the dissertation outline, it’s crucial to ensure that the following fundamental aspects are properly polished;

  1. Appropriate topic in the field of study of expertise
  2. Ensure that the scholarly work and studies on the subject is available
  3. Discuss all the aspects of the research with the supervisor
  4. Critically analyze the scholarly studies on the chosen topic
  5. Prepare the dissertation proposal
  6. Hand over all the information available to the supervisor
  7. Compose the aims and objectives of the dissertation

Sections Contained in a Dissertation

These are the main sections of a dissertation. However every subject tends to warrant a different dissertation outline.

  1. Introduction 

Also termed as an ‘abstract’, the introduction forms the first pitch of the topic. It should be drafted in a manner to entice the reader’s interest about the topic and proposal.

The reader should clearly understand, the intention, necessity for the study and the passion of the student for the chosen topic.

The introduction should contain the general introduction of the topic chosen accompanied by the background context of the research. Then the problem or research statement that serves as the main research idea.

In order to evaluate the importance of the study. It is significant that the student outline the interested parties to the study. Other relevant studies conducted pertaining to the chosen topic, and the inadequacies of previous studies.

Finally it’s crucial to mention how the research will contribute in adding to the knowledge, practice and policy of that field.

  1. Literature Review

This section involves evaluating the scholarly sources like journal articles, theses and books relating to the research question or the topic.

In Literature review the student should critically analyze, debate and critique studies previously conducted. This should showcase and weigh in on the inadequacies of previous scholarly material that the research is set to study on.

The purpose is to convince the reader that the student is familiar with the research or field of study and the research requirements needed.

It’s important that this section be intelligently structured so that the reader can easily understand the argument of the research study in relation others. This instills a strong impression of originality and innovation of the research study to the reader.

It’s highly preferable to paragraph each article while summarizing them while pitting holes on previous studies.  This sheds light on the plan that will be adopted in the research study to add to studies previously done while depicting the shortcoming of the research study.

  1. Research design and methodology

This section involves the various methods that shall be adopted, to achieve the research goals and objectives. This section persuades and impresses the reader that the research design and analysis methods will accurately address the research question.

This section demands that all the sources and methods adopted to perform the research be discussed. This is also inclusive to databases, indispensable authors as well as specific site references.

The data collection methodologies, sample size, research soundness and the target population should be mentioned as well as data analysis techniques undertaken. It’s also significant to indicate the approximate time to be consumed, ways of accessing the research sources and the hindrances encountered.

  1. Research Findings

This chapter essentially organizes, describes and report the research main findings. This involves the presentation of qualitative and quantitative data. The Introduction offers a brief summary and rational of data analysis.

It also describes the chapter organization according to the conceptual framework and the research questions. The conclusion is a summary explaining what has been identified, while signaling to readers the intent and constituents the following chapters.

  1. Conclusions and Recommendations

This involves a summarized but detailed review the fundamental points of the research findings while Indicating the goals achieved. Thus spelling out to the reader the relevance, applicability of the research findings. It is also essential that the conclusion have some scientific thought, while pointing out suggestions for further researches in the field.

Below is a format of the various dissertation sections;

Chapter 1: The Introduction

  • Introduction
  • The Issue and Background
  • Problem Statement
  • Purpose of the Research
  • Significance
  • Assumptions and obstacles
  • Conclusion

Chapter 2:  Literature Review

  • Introduction
  • literature Explanation
  • Framework
  • Literature Review

Chapter 3:  Research Design & Methodology

  • Introduction
  • Research Design, Question & Hypotheses
  • Target Population Sampling
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Concluding section

Chapter 4:  Research Findings

  • Introduction
  • Research Findings
  • Finding Conclusion

Chapter 5: Discussion and Suggestions for Further Research

  • Introduction
  • Research Findings Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestions for Further Investigation
  • Final Conclusion Part
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