Nursing Research Paper

With the growing desire for an all degree profession in the field of nursing and medicine in general. There is the need for a more detailed, well written research paper among nurse students.

Nursing research paper is an academic paper, which interprets and offer a critical analysis on well research based argument on a particular subject or topic.

Research papers differ from academic essays as they are a more detailed and longer. They are also developed so as to assess both the writing and scholarly research skills of the student. Coming up with a well written research paper can seem challenging to majority of students.

The sheer volume of the scholarly information involved combined with actual practice is overwhelming.  With some nursing assignments or instructors not providing a topic, it falls to the student to decide on an appropriate research paper topic. This can seem daunting due to the wide plethora of topics to pick from, adding to the critical analysis of the scholarly work can appear impossible.

While writing a nursing research paper is not a stroll in the park, nurse students need not despair.  This is because the entire process can be made easier by following these key stages, or if you need a professional help for a quality and original research paper place an order on

  1. Understanding the Assignment

This is the first, simplest and most important stage but mostly where most student lose it.  The student should review the set assignment, read and understand the requirements like citation style, formatting requirements and the length of the research paper. In a nutshell the student need to read and understand all the instructions and if not clearly grasped seek clarification.

  1. The research paper topic

If not provided in the assignment then, students’ needs to choose a research paper topic that they are familiar with, interesting and overall enjoyable. This is because an interesting topic is not only worthwhile but will be easier to research and write about. It makes the entire process more enjoyable rather than gloomy.

Any way learning should be enjoyable. The topic that the student chooses should be unique and that has enough research materials for a rich argument and discussion.

  1. Early Gathering of the Research or scholarly work

The student needs to find out the research materials or studies that is available for the topic. This assist in dispelling any illusions that the student may have had about the chosen topic. It also helps in refining the topic and in development of a strong thesis statement.

It’s crucial that the student rely on research sources that credible and authentic as it weighs on swaying the readers interest and opinion to the argument.

  1. Formulating Thesis statement

The thesis statement is the summarized view of what the research paper is about, and should be formulated using the research found. It’s normally the first sentence in the research paper introducing the reader to the topic.

It’s important that the thesis statement form the hook, in order to forester the curiosity and intrigue the interest of the reader. It should touch on all the vital parts of the research paper without revealing too much, hence keeping the reader interested.

  1. Determination of the evidence that hold up or support the topic

It’s as clear as mentioned, this stage involves now critically going through the research and scholarly materials collected previously. The student should only pick up the information that is relevant and supporting to the topic selected.

It’s also important to indicate the pages numbers where the supporting information is located for citations.

  1. Put down the research paper outline

Many nursing students keep inquiring on how to write a research paper outline. Well, it’s not rocket science and is quite easy. As unlike most informal pieces of writing, research papers require a systematic framework or structure that covers all the nitty gritty of the paper.

So the research paper outline is simply the paper’s map and below is how to set it up:

  • Prepare a list of all the vital subtopics and categories while considering all the gathered information. Ensure that the all supporting evidence is properly separated and categorized.
  • Formulate the best sequence to present that information, considering the flow and order of the subtopics. The student should ensure the best way or order the subtopics makes the most sense to optimize the readers interest and understanding.
  • Inclusion of the supporting evidence. It’s important to incorporate all the relevant documentation to prevent leaving out some of the evidence.
  1. Draw the initial draft

After setting up the outline, then the process of actually writing the research paper commences. This is usually the most involving and longest par, and chances of veering off track or even forgetting some research material is high. Hence a properly written research outline is crucial and should enable the writing process to run smoothly without any hiccups.

  • Introduction

However the introduction may seem a bit difficult. Particularly to students who are be unable how to write a research paper introduction. When you face such a conundrum, here is a simple and reliable hack. Use the thesis statement as the opening. Then use the secondary information to briefly fill out the remaining part.

Another hack is to seek a professional research paper help, by placing an order and relaxing on

  • The body

This constitutes the bulk of the paper. The body is usually divided into sections with separate headers for easy scanning and browsing.

Since it’s the initial draft, the student can comfortably and freely express their arguments without fear of making mistakes or errors. This is because the fine tuning and revision can be done later. It’s also crucial follow the research outline as veering off track can easily happen.

Unlike some essays, research papers are longer hence this serves the student with the problem of tying the ideas together smoothly. The student should wisely adopt transition sentences in order to improve the paper’s flow.

  • The Conclusion

In the conclusion the student should restate the paper’s thesis, the principal evidence pertaining to the topic, and summarize the findings in an orderly and understandable way.

It should be noted the student should outlay their personal interpretation and viewpoint without as it helps to hammer home the argument to the reader.

  1. References and citations

This stages involves citing the research or scholarly sources that the student used in preparing the research paper. Citations adds validity to the student’s data and links it to the scientific community which is crucial.

It is crucial for the stage that the student recheck the instructions of the assignment on the formatting style. This is because there are various styles of citing sources.

The 4 main citation styles:

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)
  1. Editing and reviewing

Once the student finalizes the research paper it is vital to go through the paper correcting any grammatical, spelling and word choice.

This may also expose some structural issues which may result to rearrangement, addition and deleting paragraphs.

Tools and resources

If you desire a high quality, plagiarism free, and original research paper, go nowhere else. Place an order for a custom written research paper that is tailored to your specification and course or assignment requirements.

Below are some of the research papers topics we handle

  • Mental Health
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Clinical nursing
  • Evidenced based practice
  • Case studies
  • Quantitative and Qualitative research
  • Medical-surgical Nursing

Our writers are highly adept in producing high quality academic essays, Research proposals, theses and dissertations. Just click here , spell out your requirements and relax.

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We are a professional writing service that provides original papers. Our products include academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials for assistance purposes only. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references.

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